Sunday 10 April 2016

Overcoming Sexual Lust For Christian Youths - Religion

There is no denying the fact that top among tops probable challenges of youths irrespective of religious umbrella and spiritual consecration is the challenge of sexual lust which, scientifically, is said to be hormonal. And some ,if not most, have had difficultly controlling theirs which effected effect has not only drained the little self esteem they have left but also, has, surreptitiously, darkened bright future of indescribable and unspeakable glory which, in reality, only victims can measure in accurate degrees the deleterious effects.

But as it is a fact well known that, for every seeming challenges there is always a guide, a suggestion, a kind of vade mecum, a practical approach which followed can see a victory long sought, a convertible reality. And of such is listed below in encapsulated hints for all that seeks control and victory.

1. ACKNOWLEDGMENT: Now, the undoing of many Christian youths is the common belief of constant immunity against lust of which sexual lust lovely fall in thus, unknowingly, giving room for unchecked lustful growth.

Yes, it is good to have faith in God; but a fair understanding is better in the sense that faith is practical. Having such mindset as above is not faith but acute stupidity that numbers you a potential victims of yet-to-surface sexual lust. And common reasoning depicts sexual lust an enemy of the spiritual man.

And like every other, fighting one enemy requires an acknowledgment that such enemy exist. In likewise mind, if anything are to be achieved, a Christian youth need to acknowledge its very existence.

2. EXPERIMENT: And before you rush to comment based on the outline I employ you read through this.

Like I said in the first outline, faith is a practical thing. And most if not all Christians like that part where Jesus overcame the three temptations. Yea, it is such a source of encouragement but then, it has in it an untouched hint.

Experimenting is a crucial tool in overcoming sexual lust as a youth. Now I am not saying you should go around having sex with every moving thing on the street rather, on the contrary, you should present always an opportunity to be tempted. Why? Because it gives an opportunity to gauge yourself, your spiritual level; to know your strength: whether to prepare more . And most importantly, Christ allowed it in other to know for certain he is spiritual enough to take up his mission.

You can only have victory over what you have encountered not that you run away from.

3. TEACH IT: Often overlooked but essential.

Sometimes you have, on personal basis wondered, like most of your Christian mates who have difficulty overcoming sexual lust how your Sunday school teacher; sabbath school teacher; and pastor managed to stand in front of those huge congregation with those pretty sexy ladies without getting Attention while you by mere looking is crossing your laps to hide yours. Probable reasoning, many will say anointing but the question is: why is the anointing not working for you, or is your head rejecting anointing?

But on the contrary, it is because they teach it every now and then. Personally, I teach purity, sex abstinence, contentment and good deeds and it is expected I live by them if I want people to see the feasibility of my proposition. If I teach mendacity is a bad habit to Cynthia it will be difficult for me to lie to to Cynthia tomorrow, the reason obvious. So if I go on teaching many as possible that, I give myself more advantage of overcoming the spirit of lie.

Teaching others sexual lust is morally bad reduce the probability of falling in one.

By Olusanya333

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