Sunday 10 April 2016

Abia Civil Servant Born In 1961 (Photos) - Politics

Despite the fall of the monthly allocation of States, Abia State has remained resolute and committed to keep to it’s promises such as making the welfare of its workforce a paramount thing.It could be recalled that Abia State is the only State that handed over its N14.1billion bailout fund to the labour and trade union leaders to manage the disbursement of the fund to the various recipients hence the management of the State’s bailout fund is adjudged the best in the entire federation as stated by the NLC chairmen.

Worthy of note is that Abia and Lagos States were the two States that paid salaries before Easter. Put differently, the State has remained very prudent in the management of its resources no matter how infinitesimal as the fall on the receivable from N 4.2 billion to N1.9 billion has made the actors to e very creative and innovative. It is however very disheartening that whereas the State wage bill stands at about N3 billion, the State received N1.9 billion.
It therefore calls on the conscience of the people to appreciate the efforts of the government, the ingenuity and proactivity rather than allowing some miscreants to deceive them with fake, unfounded and malicious news about salaries.

Be that as it may, the present administration in Abia State, having identified some grey areas as regards the payment of salaries swung into action. Some elements had infiltrated the payment processes in the past, there were ghost workers ravaging the system. That kept the State on the alert.

The State came up with the idea of manual verification of its workforce thus saved about N300 million in that process. Also, with the automation process in the pension, over 30 retirees were found to be receiving salaries and pensions simultaneously. The government had to stop the payment of such persons until it makes up with what they had taken. Some of these belong to the group shouting they have not been paid this and that.

The issue of ghost workers predates the State’s creation as so it it just hydra-headed. But the government has not relented in its efforts to sanitize the process. Currently, some parastatals and agencies whose staff strength are being queried are under going re-verification process which will herald the advent d the biometric verifications.

In a verification exercise conducted on Wednesday 6th,April 2016, many over-aged workers were spotted, many proxy representation and other irregularities were discovered. You can imagine the man on this picture claiming to have been born in 1961 while in real sense his grand children may be walking on the streets looking for jobs.

While the government is working hard to see to the welfare of it’s citizens, it behoves on the citizens to have a change of attitude and stop sabotaging the efforts of the government. These actions therefore calls for the correction of institutional and structural defects without which the problems will continue without to defy known solutions.

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