Sunday 7 February 2016

10 Top Secrets To Become A Successful Blogger - Webmasters

Blogging has no definite “duration as well as hard work” to become successful. If you think you will be a successful blogger within few nights then you think wrong.

You can be a great and successful Blogger in one months, 2 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 year and so on, nothing is fix or either no body can tell you the exact time.

I believe that by continuously following & implementing instructions of successful professional bloggers, you are surely gonna successful in Blogging one day.

Therefore today I am going to share with you top secrets of Successful Bloggers which I collected in last few months.

Top 10 Secrets to Become a Successful Blogger

1. 100% Unique & Quality Content
It’s your content’s quality which matters a big deal. If it’s really good, it will motivate your blog readers to revisit your blog again and again to keep updated with your articles. You should use relevant and interesting image as well as video if possible to make your post more interesting.

Besides unique & quality content is the basic requirement of strong SEO in order to get first position in Google Search Result.

2. Make your Blog User Friendly
Make all the content you have worked so hard to write easily reachable by each and every visitor. Have a list on your sidebar along with recent posts.

List other content you have written of prospective interest at the end of your post. Include an archive too so people can read your older content. You need to reduce your blog loading time if it loads very slow. This can all be easily completed automatically by the use of WordPress plugins.

3. Learn, Implement & Experiment until You become SEO Expert
Knowing how to drive traffic from search engine into your website will definitely set you apart from average bloggers. For example having little knowledge on Keyword Research & Analysis, Keywords Placement, alternative text for images, Meta description, Meta tags, etc. is necessary if you wish to become a successful blogger. Besides You should also know how to write perfectly SEO optimize articles and build quality back-links for your blog.

4. Double the Hard Work when You feel like Quitting
Nothing can be achieved easily, and the same is with blogging. If you think you can be a great and famous blogger overnight, wake up. A blog requires hard work, from creating a Blog Logo to Content Research, Content Writing & Blog Promotion. Every success has behind an hard work. Hard work is a must you should never neglect if you want to be a successful blogger.

5. Never Loose Patience
The great blog you see today were not created a few week or month back, they have been there for quite a few years back. Those blogs which are recognized today as best blogs to learn blogging are result of long and continuous hard work. It takes time for visitor to get attached to a blog. You have to be patience. It takes time for a blog to get in spotlight. Once you and your blog are in the spotlight, things go easy.
Although until then, you have to patient.

6. Motivate Yourself towards Blogging
People around will always Discourage you, until or unless you have truly nice environment. While you won’t see something coming out of your blog or website, there will be a time when you would wish to leave these sorts of things. This is indeed the time to hold on. As I told above, once your blog or website gets in the spotlight, things go smooth. Therefore try to keep encouraging yourself towards blogging and that is possible only when you surround yourself with positive peoples.

7. Gain Knowledge & Do with Passion
There is no need to ask How to Become a Successful Blogger if you have an authentic passion as well as knowledge for the subject you are writing regarding. It’s a long and tough road to build loyal readers for a blog and without real Knowledge & Passion you are guaranteed to fizzle out. Therefore first gain knowledge about the topic and then represent it with full passion in front of your Blog readers. I think you will surly gonna impress them.

8. Reply to All Valid Comments
You should reply comments coming on your website or blog posts. By this your blog readers will get the feeling that there is someone who is not only listening their thoughts but also sending his own response. If you are not replying comments, you are doing wrong. You should respond about every valid comment in order to build online relationship to increase Blog traffic. If your are trying to answer most of the questions you are getting in the form of comments, your blog loyal readers quantity will improve to great level.

9. Represent as a Distinct Personality
It doesn’t matters that there are many blogs already having similar niche to your blog. You need to package your blog in your different and nice way.

This will establish your blog as a distinct personality in which readers will be more interested as they appreciate the real you. Therefore don’t copy others style & content it will make you far away from your dream to become a successful blogger. No need to do so tough & complicated things to be different, you can be much different by simplicity.

10. Keep in Mind that First Impression is the Last Impression
As you know that “The First Impression is the Last Impression“. If your blog or website don’t have nice layout and visitors are finding it hard to read your articles, you need to fix it first.

It’s your blog or website design which is first viewed by your blog readers and if they don’t like it, they will just close it and shift to the next blog or website.

So you need to make sure, there are no unnecessary pop ups and ad stuffing around the content , this irritate the readers. You should begin monitoring your blog from the readers view. Your navigation links structure should be very clear and there should be a category/label for each content type you cover on your website or blog.

I hope these tips will help you to become a successful blogger.

See you at the Top..
Best of luck.

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