Friday, 26 February 2016

Four Signs It May Be Time To Get Help For Your CV - Jobs/Vacancies

If you have been sending out your CV and have not been getting positive responses, this may be the right time to look deeply into your document which represents your connection to the job world. The following are the four signs it may be time to get help for your CV if any of them affects you:

1. Your CV is not getting the responses you envisaged at all. Some job screenings every week can be seen as a good sign. About three to four interviews per month means your CV is definitely getting the attention of the recruiters and all you just need is a bit of patience and perseverance. But on the reverse, a silent phone (calls or SMS) and an empty mail inbox – day by day and week by week – may mean something is wrong somewhere.

2. Recruiters are contacting you only to clarify confusing issues on your CV. If recruiters are calling you just to ask for your salary requirements or to double-check an aspect of your work experience, that’s fine. But not when they end the conversation and you’re never contacted again. Find out what areas in your CV are raising questions. You need to get these confusing aspects resolved before you continue your CV submissions.

3. Recruiters are looking for information about you via online searches but they are not achieving any meaningful success in their secret ‘escapades’. You’ve got every right in the world to stay quiet on social media platforms if you choose to. Contrary to common beliefs, you don’t need a LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile, Twitter feed, or a viable blog with daily updates to survive in this modern world. Notwithstanding, if the popular Google search offers recruiters zero information about you, and other aforementioned platforms reveals nothing but a blurry profile photograph that makes you look like someone who just arrived from ‘Umuhu Village’ and tight privacy settings, you may as well be missing ample opportunities to impress the employers.

4. You have not subjected your CV and Cover Letter to any outside help for constructive criticism. Writing effectively requires soliciting inputs and feedback from esteemed readers. The same rule applies to any professional layout and presentation. You may have assumed that your CV is written beautifully and formatted flawlessly. My advice? Get a second opinion before moving forward.

If any of the above situations rings a bell to you, it may be high time you sought after some CV help from your mentors, career counselors, friends, or professional writers. if you’re not quite ready to accentuate your employment status from roof-tops, you may sit calmly otherwise get help very fast to keep your search on track because time waits for no man; every passing day makes you an older person. Make sure your CV is structured according to the demands of your industry.

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