Many people have probably made the comment, either as a passing remark or as real observation. The mention of ''Children of nowadays grow so fast'' is now a common one; but have you ever stopped to wonder why this might be so? or if this is a good or bad thing.
The truth actually is children develop too fast nowadays.
During the time of most of our parents, puberty used to start around the early teen years but now, the age for puberty keeps dropping at an alarming rate.
In a normal situation, puberty is determined by your body due to several factors like Gender, Nutrition, Health, etc.
The brain is the governor over your body and the brain knows when you start to need certain things so it sends its ''messengers'' hormones, to create what you need at the time you need it.
For example, if your brain considers several factors going on in your body and decides that you are ready to bear a child as a woman, it sends hormones to start giving you wider hips, etc.
You can get pregnant before your brain has determined based on several factors taken into consideration, that you are ready. In this case, you might not yet have the fully developed hips and when such a person tries to have a baby, it might lead to conditions like VVF or even death.
Good nutrition acts like the fuel that supplies the body with the hormones needed for most of this development. You might have heard people say if you feed your children beans, they will become tall.
This is not too far from the truth as beans is a rich source of protein and protein is needed for the natural growth and development of a child. This can also be adduced as a good reason why a 13 year old in a developed country usually looks more mature than a 13 year old of the same sex in a developing country. Food is not one of their problems and when they eat, they eat balanced diet unlike when many people in developing countries eat, they eat to survive.
That is the normal case of puberty and how it was intended to be naturally, but nowadays what we have is the abnormal puberty called Precocious puberty and has been linked to Plastics. Yes, plastics.
Many experts believe that xenoestrogens, which are actually toxins and which act like oestrogen in the body are responsible for this modern trend of precocious puberty. Xenoestrogens confuse the brain to premature development by mimicking how normal hormones work in the body. They are endocrine disruptors and can be found in plastics like Household plastics, Children's toys, etc.
The only way to prevent this poisoning is to avoid giving food packaged in plastics to your child, protect from pesticides, and also follow all that has already been written about plastics here:
For most of us, our children are our lives and it would hurt us to think we might be involved in anything that might be harmful to them.
But if your dream is to see your daughter wear bra at maybe 6 years of age or your son have a mustache at 9 or 10 years, then you can try the opposite of all that is written here.
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