Sunday 8 May 2016

The Niger Delta Situation And The Misguided Niger Delta Avengers Group - Politics

Since the last 72 hours, a group of misguided youths from the Niger Delta region, specifically Delta state that claimed to be Niger Delta Avengers have been carrying out wanton destruction of oil facilities belonging to FG and oil companies in Warri, Delta state. To them, their rridiculous acts is to coerce the FG to meet to their "demand" and to retaliate the economic and environmental neglect of the Niger Delta region by both the FG and oil companies.

What is the demand of Niger Delta Avengers? Is it to force the FG to press on the Oil companies to stop Gas flairing, oil spilling and other environmental degradation? Are they asking the FG to begin the process of clean up of the already polluted environment? Are they demanding that oil companies recruit locals? Are they demanding federal. Presence in our region? Are they advocating for power supply in the creeks or thwy are demanding for scholarships for indigenous people?

If the above are there demands then they are foolish, misguided and not different from the Nigeria State(not just Buhari government) whose system has deliberately kept our people backward since 1960. They are not different from the oil companies that pollutes our land and leave it in the most deplorable state. The Niger Delta Avengers by their acts have taken us 100 years backward even when we are already bbackward trying to go forward.

How can our environment be better when they blow up installations to further pollute our environment? Which investor would want to come to our land when they know that some misguided youths would wake up one day to destroy their facilities? How would our people be employed when we are chasing investors away instead of engage them to make them sit up? What happens to our environment on the long run? Is it not a fool that will burn his father's house to spite his village chief? How does the blowing of facilities and economic sabotage solve the fundamental issues? Who suffers most when oil majors leave our shores? Is it the Yoruba woman in Osogbo, the Hausa man in Kaduna, the Igbo man in Aba or the Niger Delta man? What is the wisdom in attacking facilities at a point when patriotic Niger Delta sons and daughters are calling Oil majors and NNPC to relocate their headquarters to our region? In fact, the actions of NDA only vindicate the decision of oil majors to move their HQ away from our region to Lagos state.

Are the misguided ND Avengers not aware that our so called oil has been fallen in value and is even surplus in the international market? Are they aware that the so called oil we pride on has been discovered in Lagos and Ogun states? Will they drink the oil if everyone leave them to it? Are they aware that the glory of oil is fallen just as the glory of coal fell? Who are they avenging for? Threatening Tompolo would never give them credibility. They should consider themselves as economic terrorists and enemies of Niger Delta people. Did the Igbos destroy igboland to spite FG during the civil war? Did IPOB agitators destroy their communities in protest of Nnamdi KANU detention? Did Major Adaka Boro destroy ijawland during his struggle?

One don't need a prophet to know that this group is sponsored by a rich guy someqhere or organization somewhere. The FG should investigate the people behind it and bring them to justice.

Meanwhile, the FG and oil majors must share responsibility in the deeds of the Avengers group. The situation in the region is terrible and both the government and oil majors are not showing any sympathy to our plight. The creeks that brings the dollars is in pathetic state, and this is unacceptable.

Amnesty is NOT the solution, neither is total military action the solution. We must address the problems and not the symptoms to bring peace and justice to our region. If we don't treat the problems, more groups will keep coming out to cause trouble in a bid to get their "own share".

As for the people behind the Niger Delta Destroyers masquerading as Avengers, I pray they come to sanity and realise their deeds.

God Bless Niger Delta!!!
God Bless Nigeria!!!
God Bless Our Struggle For Better Society!!!

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