Thursday 5 May 2016

20 Ways To Be Indispensable At Work - Career

Do you want to be indispensable at work?

Okay, let's be honest, nobody is indispensable especially at work. However, there are certain tips and strategies that you can start applying today to help you build a strong brand for yourself and make you almost indispensable at work especially at this time of economic downturn in Nigeria.

1. Take ownership and do not be afraid to lead:

Companies and bosses want people who are not afraid to take ownership and lead. Since great leaders are made not born, the best way to become a leader at work is to be willing to take ownership of projects. Is the company starting a new project/scheme/ product? Do not be afraid to volunteer and lead. The good thing about this is that you will get noticed and it will be for a good reason.

2. Embrace change:

“The only constant thing, they say, is change”. How you react to the change is what will determine if it will have a positive or a negative impact on you. It is usually not advisable to swim against the tide. What then should you do? Embrace the change and wait for an opportunity to turn it into a positive one.

3. Be extraordinary by going the extra mile:

The difference between being ordinary and extra-ordinary is the 'extra' in the 'ordinary'. Always be willing to go the extra mile. Be willing to do extra work that might be assigned to you, be willing to work a little late and be willing to help make other people’s job easier. Simply put, do the extra.

4. Know what matters to the company:

No matter what your role is, your worth will be measured by how much value you can add to the company’s bottom line. This is why it is important to know what matters to the company and position your job role to help the company achieve its aim.

5. Offer solutions to problem(s) in your area:

Are the people in your department or unit struggling with a particular issue you can proffer solutions to? Do not wait to be called. Always be the problem solver and be willing to lend a helping hand.

6. Know what matters to your boss:

If your boss is passionate about a particular project or job, then it is your duty to also be passionate about the same job. If you are not getting along well with your boss, it might simply be because you both are working in opposite direction. Find out what your boss cares about and help them get it done.

7. Focus on results and not on processes:

Nobody cares how long or how much effort you have put into a work to get results. What the company and your boss care about is what results (KPI) you can show for your efforts. It is therefore important to focus more on activities that can help you get results rather than on the processes you have to go through to get it done.

8. Aim for excellence:

Need I say more about this? Aim for excellence. Excellence is a value that you should seek to achieve. Make your work stand out by paying little attention to details. Have a presentation to deliver, make it beautiful and appealing apart from filling it up with the required details.

9. Excel in a few skills:

You cannot be everything to everyone. Pursue a few set skills and become the go-to-person for that skill. I noticed a skill-gap in photography at my workplace. The company had to pay freelance photographers for any event or content requiring photography coverage. Next I enrolled in a cinematography school and within 3 months I was already the go-to-person for shoots. Even the MD/CEO had a professional photo shoot courtesy of mine new skills. I've been able to save cost and develop more contents for my company.

10. Keep your promises to the manager and colleagues:

Promises are meant to be broken? No and especially not at work. Never break promises made either to your manager, boss or colleagues. Keep your words and if there is need for any change, communicate this as early as possible.

11. Network extensively:

How far you will go in 3 - 5 years time will be determined by the quality of your network. Start building your network now so that when you need it, you will already have them in place. Luckily, technology has come to play a huge role in how we relate in the 21st century. Leverage on the social and professional media to get started and do not forget to build personal offline relationships with people.

12. Keep up with advancement in your fields:

I once heard a story of someone who submitted her CV to a recruitment firm and unfortunately was not called for interview. Nine (9) years later, she was called and was asked to bring a copy of her recent CV. Guess what? She came and submitted the same CV she submitted 9 years ago. During the interview process, she was asked why nothing changed on her CV. Her reply was that it was because nothing really had changed. This means she did not add any qualification or skill set to her person. I am sure no one will want to employ such a person.

13. Be a thought leader in your field:

One of the ways to excel at work is to become a thought leader in your field. This means you need to know everything and anything that is important in your field that can help you carry out your task easier and better. No one in your company should know more than you in your niche.

14. Ignore distractions and focus on your objectives:

What are your career objectives? How do they fit into your role and daily duties? Do you have a clear set of goals you want to achieve? Knowing all these will keep you from being distracted either with politics in the office or any other thing that can cause distraction and derail you from your set objectives.

15. Take initiatives:

Do not wait to be told what to do. If you know that there is a particular report or task that you need to do on a regular basis, then do not wait to be told to perform the task. Anticipate tasks and get it done without being told.

16. Always be willing to share knowledge:

An indispensable worker will not be he who has all the knowledge but someone who is willingly to share them as well. By sharing your knowledge, you help other appreciate what you do and what it means. When your boss understands what you know and how you do, he or she begins to understand and appreciate you better.

17. Anticipate your boss‘s needs and make yourself invaluable:

Anticipate your boss’s needs and make yourself available. Help them do their job and you will come in handy for recommendation when the need arises.

18. Seek to gain more knowledge:

Attend seminars, career fairs and lectures. Do not wait for the company to send you for a training before you attend them. This is because these trainings are ultimately for you and will only help you become a better person. Do not wait until the company is training her staff.

19. Develop good judgment and do not be afraid to stand up:

Develop a sense for good judgment and do not be afraid to speak up either for yourself or your colleagues.

20. Stay sharp mentally and have a positive attitude:

It is often said that a bad attitude is like a flat tire. It won’t take you anywhere. Develop a good attitude towards everything; the company, your boss and your work.

There is more where this came from >> HERE

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