Wednesday, 2 March 2016

How I Survive Every Month As A Bachelor - Food

Every new month this is what I do.
Go to market and get the things for the desired soup for the month myself since am still a bachelor and living alone.
The soup is expected to last for the month unless my friends come around.
This month of March I chose egusi, ogbono, okra and stew.

The egusi ingredients are
Egusi 2 cups
Achi (to make the soup thick)
Cameroon pepper (dunno why it's called that tho)
Dry fish
Stock fish
Palm oil
Goat and cow beef mixed
Fresh fish.

Ogbono soup ingredients is same as above excluding the Achi.

The okra soup is made specially for me cos I love periwinkle but sadly most of my guys don't so just in case they come around, they'll see something to eat.
The soup has so much periwinkle. grin
Beef (chopped the beef to pieces)
Dry fish

Stew easy na so no need listing out the ingredients.

Anyway it took me 3hours to cook all.

Budget for everything is 10,500 naira.
Since I stay in Port Harcourt, things are pretty expensive here so I spent most of my day in the market bargaining price cry

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