Monday 14 March 2016

Buhari: Boko Haram War, Anti Corruption War And The "Economic Crisis" - Politics

This thread becomes inevitable, given the current backlash and vents of frustrations from the Minority Voters and some people who have been displaced from their sources of "livelihoods" by the Change of government at the Center and the current stand of Mr. President on accountability...

Recall that during the campaign period, the three pillars of Buhari' Promise Were: Security (Boko Haram), Anti Corruption War and The Economy..

Let's us examine these three Pillars, on how Mr. President is faring on the above Mentioned indices:

1. Security (Boko Haram):
When Buhari assumed power, the activities of Boko haram were on all time high..In fact, it was documented that Boko haram was occupying about 14 Local councils, this is in spite of the late push by the infamous and corrupt of government of Jonathan in early last year...

Now fast forward to 8 Months after, Boko haram has not only been defeated and cleared off the Councils, they have not been able to stage any attack for the Past 2 Months...

How did Buhari Achieve this feat and what were the initial reactions from the Wailers and critics alike?

When Buhari started this war against this evil in the North East, we could recall that he embarked on regional tours, to gather support from the neighboring countries, in order to have a coordinated and smooth approach on the war against Boko Haram. At this time, Nigerian Army was being reorganized, rearmed and re oriented on the new approach to the war... by President Buhari who equally is a retired Army General and a war Veteran.

However, when this planning was being put together by the Security team led by the indefatigable Mr. President, Boko Haram who had sensed that their time was coming to an end, embarked on last minute, wanton destruction and Killing of soft then looked like no progress was being made on the War...while the Buhari's government was assuring Nigerians the War was almost over, that Boko Haram had been technically defeated...
The wailers, the haters and those who never wished him well from day one...shouted him down calling him incompetent, 'Dullard" and other unprintable names... But now the eggs are on their faces...The President, The Nigerian Army and the patriotic Nigerians have won the War...

2. Anti Corruption War: This is another area, Mr. President has continued to receive accolades from far and within on his Vigorous approach on war against corruption...
The mighty, and the low, the generals and the ranks and files, The Father and The Son are all mingling freely in Kirikri and other jail yards, awaiting their days in court... Buhari Promised looters hell on earth...and hell, they are seeing.., Billions are being recovered daily.. Foreign countries who hitherto were reluctant and unwilling to repatriate Abacha's loot because the ones returned were relooted by the cronies of Past administrations are now doing so... Promised Kept!

Meanwhile for those who think, the cases in court now would drag forever like the Cases of Orji Uzor Kalu, Chimaroke Nnamani, etc..Sorry to disappoint you!! There is a new act passed by the 7th Assembly, to fasttrack Criminal cases, Known as The Administration Of Criminal Justice Act 2015-The Silent Revolution grin...So like the election petition Cases, The criminal cases are now being heard on day to day basis...

How did Buhari Achieve this and what were initial reactions of the Same set of people who wanted Buhari to fail from day one?

When Buhari embarked on tour to some International countries pleading that they help in tracing and possible repatriation of the monies stashed by past governments officials in their countries...
What were the reactions of Wailers and some critics then?.."Buhari should name names or shut up" "Nobody stole anything" "Why are they not being arrested" "Is all witch hunting" etc..
However, like Boko Haram war, they are now silent and covering their faces in Shame...

3. The Economy:

Just like the Boko Haram War, Buhari while working day and night to fix and kick start the economy is being harshly criticized by the same set of people who never believed in his style which has effectively defeated Boko Haram, fighting Corruption without fear and ensuring accountability in facet of governance.
Nevertheless like an astute and detailed administrator, the President has embarked on the following measures to jump start the economy which the benefit will surely start creeping in on or before the Year;

A) A 6.8Trillion Budget which is awaiting passage by the National Assembly.

B) Full Implementation of TSA to ensure availability of funds for the government as at and when due..

C) Rallying OPEC to ensure Oil Price Stability, which has already started yielding fruits..

D. Setting up of Economic Team, which will be unveiled next month.

E. Diversification of the Economy thru Agriculture and Solid Minerals, which will commence immediately the Budget is passed..

Now the Big question is: If a President who effectively tackled Boko Haram that had bedeviled the country for the past 7 years, within 8months of assumption of power, Fought corruption with Zeal and determination that had never been seen before in the annals of the country...Why Do You Think The Same Man Cannot Effectively RESET Our Monolithic Economy Which Is Adversely Affected By The Astronomical Fall In Price Of The Only Commodity That Sustains It?

Therefore, Buhari Is Resetting Nigeria...And We Believe In Him..

May God Bless Us All

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