Monday 1 February 2016

What I Learnt In Church Today - Religion

I haven't been in church in a long while and sincerely I am not keen on church lately because I have some doubt. Today I decided to go to winners (living faith) ota. There was free bus to church and I wasn't doing anything meaningful today so I set out.

I stood at my bus stop and joined a bus. We passed thru the bad aiyetoro road and our bus broke down. The back tire needed to be changed.

Everybody came down from the bus for the tire to be fixed except one pretty girl by the Window. I was mad and angry. What is wrong with all this girls I mused in anger. I wasn't a church person but this is silly and senseless. I started nagging and complaining to her face but then everybody kept quiet. I told myself I will confront her when we come down. If everybody is afraid of her I wasn't. All this girls who think they are too fine.. nonsense.

When we got to church, I patiently waited for her to come down. What i saw shocked me. She was assisted down. She was paralyzed from from waist down. Oops, how did I miss that. God!!! I felt so terrible. I still feel terrible right now. I met her and apologized. Again and again I apologized but I still feel it wasn't enough.
Bishop oyedepo preached today but I didn't get much. I learnt a bigger life lesson; don't judge people.

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