Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Ted Cruz Defeats Donald Trump, Wins Iowa - Foreign Affairs

Was Trump over rated?

Once reviled by fellow Republicans as a “wacko bird” eager to shut down the US government, Ted Cruz proved with his Iowa win that his arch-conservatism may yet propel him into the White House.

He has spent months seeking to out-maneuver his many rivals.

When he did so Monday night, surging past frontrunner Donald Trump as he rode a wave of enthusiastic support, it appeared to validate — if only for a few fleeting hours before the presidential race resumes — the political positions that have made Cruz such a compelling but controversial figure.

Cruz, who has fought hard to maintain a prominent place for faith in American life, is battling not just for the Republican nomination. He sees himself in a battle for the very soul of the country.

“Tonight is a victory for courageous conservatives across Iowa and all across this great nation,” Cruz said in his caucus victory speech.

“We’re seeing conservatives and evangelicals and libertarians and Reagan Democrats all coming together as one, and that terrifies Washington, DC.”

As a US Senate freshman, the 45-year-old Texan — an intellectual proponent of a grassroots movement that has simmered for years under the Republican mainstream — has barely three years under his belt in national politics.


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