Sunday, 14 February 2016

10 Facts About The Sun You Probably Didn't Know - Science/Technology

As Earth based life forms we all open our eyes to get familiar with the G-type star that hosts our planet which we know as the Sun.

It provides an enormous amount of energy and support that it is not a joke that we would not be here without it..

Let us quickly run through 10 basic facts about our dear giant ball of Gas and perhaps get to know it a little bit better.


What shocked Yeah some of you might find this unusual judging with the fact that we all see this Star and we know the color it shows us right?

Seriously, it is even referred to as a yellow dwarf sometimes by the Astronomical body..

But in actuality Our sun is not yellow but white, its an average star that appear white in color ..

Light travels in a spectrum of distinct colors (All colors actually).. White is not a color but the combination of all colors or put it in a more correct way.. WHITE is the source of all other colors..

so when this light from our sun hits the earth the earth's atmosphere scatter the light from the sun. The blue wavelength of light is scattered in the atmosphere giving our sky a blue color But the sky is actually colorless except for clouds

The yellow wavelength are longer light wavelengths and so are more visible from the earth's surface giving the Sun a yellowish color from the surface.

The atmosphere is also the reason why the stars far from us appear to be twinkling when we see then at night..

Picture: An Astronaut on a space walk selfie with the white sun and earth in the back ground..

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